Abolfazl Razi
Associate Professor
Director of AI-based Sensing, Networking, and Data Services (AI-SENDS) Laboratory
School of Computing
Clemson University
Room 203, 821 McMillan Rd
Clemson, SC 29631
Graduate Students (2023)
Undergraduate Students (2023)
Capstone Project Design
The Educational Platform for Communication Protocols: AY2018-19
(Link) U.I. Fit Project
Parallel Computing and Web Graphic User Interface Design for Molecular Interaction Modeling: AY2017-18
(Link) Ground Robotic Design for Predictive Communications
(Link) EOD
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot Design
(Link) SumoBot
Sumo Robot Design: AY 2016-7
(Link) HeartGuard
Remote Heart Monitor Project: AY2015-6